Republished from our 20 June 2021 Instagram post (link) and our notes on Discord‘s Diviners Anonymous
Happy Midsommar and blessed Litha, friends! Solstice divination spreads about current events:

The second reading uses the snowflake layout included in our rune booklet (PDF link), without the outer ring of cards about the future.
card 1 (centre) = issue at hand or querent or past = the Othala + Laguz bind-rune Erda, representing Mother Earth (per Nigel Pennick’s Complete Guide to Runes)
card 2 (top left) = current global thinking and creativity = *Naudhiz, need, constraint, plight, hardship, pragmatism, or conflict
card 3 (top centre) = current global health or behavior = an Anglo-Saxon bindrune of Stan, Nyd, and Ior once used to prevent action by enemies, “Stop It!”
card 4 (top right) = subconscious and spiritual factors = *Perthro reversed, willful misunderstanding
card 5 (bottom right) = emotions at present = *Othala, home, ancestors, legacy, inheritance
card 6 (bottom centre) = present obstacles = *Isa, stasis, lack of action
card 7 (bottom left) = potential obstacles and hidden influences = Stan, obstruction (by multinational corporations or right-wing politicians) or (ecological) collapse
The “stop it!” card really jumped out at me, and I viewed the runes pulled as advising that we’re risking our inheritance from our ancestors and ecological collapse if our countries don’t begin to treat climate change as an emergency.
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