Hey everyone! Look what arrived yesterday. (We’ll have prettier daylight photos than these quick cell-phone snaps soon, but we are so excited we couldn’t wait any longer to show you.)

So, all in all we’re delighted! We’ll be submitting the tweaked images for printing later this week, so we should have the second prototype in its custom tuck-box to show you in two to three weeks’ time. We promise we’ll get out the good camera for those photos.
We also have figured out the add-ons issue! Yes, we’re still going to have to do them manually, but if you wanted to add any extra backer rewards to your shipment, Eira can create a custom listing (with no additional shipping charge) for you in the new Mannaz&Wyrd Etsy shop. We’ll put a line item for that in our backer survey, which we delayed sending out until we had this wrinkle smoothed out. (Watch for that to hit your inboxes tomorrow.)
If you missed pledging for the crowdfunding campaign, you can pre-order all the backer rewards through the Etsy shop (although the resin items will only be available in other colourways, not the KS-exclusive gold-on-gold-on-gold). They’re a smidge more expensive, to cover Etsy’s fees, but still lower than our planned retail price.
We have also taken delivery of our mailer envelopes, and the bandana blanks and madder for the divination cloths. Ravishing Raven Handmade have received all their shipments of safety equipment (resin fumes are no joke, y’all) and raw materials, and are still polishing the polymer-clay masters they made as part of remaking the molds to ensure the dice will be bubble-free.
Finally, we received a couple more out-of-print and university-level reference books to help us fact-check our other sources, level up the quality of our syllabus, and make informed book recommendations.

(republished from our 25 Feb 2021 Kickstarter update)
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