Republished from our 30 March 2021 Instagram post (link)
Inspired by the latest additions to our household altar (1), let’s talk about bind runes! Bind runes or rune-staves are ligatures of two or three runes in an inscription, which may have been done to save space, for decorative reasons, or in rare cases, with magical intent. Modern users of bind runes usually are using them for magical reasons after creating them themselves or choosing from a compendium like (2) Pennick’s Figure 35. In addition to the Elder & Younger Futharks and Anglosaxon Futhorc, our rune card deck includes several bind rune cards like those in (3) & (4). We also include a bind rune lesson in our syllabus.

(1) Antlers, fortuitous find at @bluejarantiques; bind rune wood burnings from @revnarunes and @2ravenzmetaphysical. L-R: Gibu Auja, c500 AD; Web of Wyrd, c1990s; health, joy, and protection Isa + Ingwaz with Thurisaz & Wunjo; “Eternal Love” Jera + Othala + Gebo; complex runestave similar to those in (2), to see clearly in spiritual matters.

(2) Figure 35, page 198 of Nigel Pennick’s _Rune Magic_ (1992)… we wish he disclosed his sources for these

(3) Urd’s Snowflake Rune Cards for Gibu Auja (aka GAGAGA), earliest inscriptions c500 AD, and J-O-G, earliest source (2018 on prototype card – corrected! ) a 2009 Livejournal post

(4) Urd’s Snowflake Rune Cards for two bind runes related to Isa + Ingwaz (with Wunjo and Thurisaz): Sol (Isa + Ingwaz without Wunjo & Thurisaz), and L-A-NG (Laguz + Ingwaz with Thurisaz and Ansuz).
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